" there should be more campaigns to promote awareness on the benefits of clean and healthy toilets , " najib razak said in a speech prepared for the event , urging malaysians to learn from the japanese on clean toilet culture 他说: “我们应该开展更多的宣传活动以使公众进一步了解保持洗手间的卫生所能给他们带来的益处。 ”
" there should be more campaigns to promote awareness on the benefits of clean and healthy toilets , " najib razak said in a speech prepared for the event , urging malaysians to learn from the japanese on clean toilet culture 他说: “我们应该开展更多的宣传活动以使公众进一步了解保持洗手间的清洁卫生所能给他们带来的益处。 ”
" there should be more campaigns to promote awareness on the benefits of clean and healthy toilets , " najib razak said in a speech prepared for the event , urging malaysians to learn from the japanese on clean toilet culture 他说: “我们应该开展更多的宣传活动以使公众进一步了解保持洗手间的清洁卫生所能给他们带来的益处。 ”
Ushering in a " national loo culture " , malaysia ' s deputy premier inspected a roadside toilet in a kuala lumpur shopping belt and urged the crowd outside to be cleaner while spending a penny . " there should be more campaigns to promote awareness on the benefits of clean and healthy toilets , " najib razak said in a speech prepared for the event , urging malaysians to learn from the japanese on clean toilet culture 据路透社12月19日报道,为了使明年来马来西亚旅游的外国人数量能出现大幅增加,该国目前正在开展一场旨在改变其公民不良如厕习惯的宣传活动,而做为该活动的一个组成部分,一种刚刚落成的新式高科技洗手间于12月19日正式与公众见面了。